About us


Content of Verslosavaite.lt


Fresh and versatile content is provided by the business news portal Verslosavaite.lt daily. Exhaustive and original articles that examine various topics relevant to the business world, comments by economists and lawyers, interviews with the heads of profitable companies are published on the website each day.


Furthermore, there is a new issue of the first internet weekly in Lithuania on this website each Monday.


On business days, the readers are consulted by various specialists: lawyers, marketers, finance brokers, investment and IT specialists, etc.


Verslosavaite.lt was the first among business portals in Lithuania to start publishing video reports (“VS TV Video”).

The portal also holds the blogs of its employers and provides the readership with a possibility to create their own ones.


Facts and Figures


According to the data of “Google Analytics“, the portal had 176 615 visitors in 2007. In 2008, the number of visitors reached 504 076, so the growth was 185%.


At the end of 2008, the market research company “Synopticom” presented the results about the structure of readership of Verslosavaite.lt:


71% of visitors are owners of the companies, higher and medium scale directors and other specialists with the right to make decisions;

74% of visitors have university degree or the one equal to it.



2007.03.05 – 2007.09.03 Verslosavaite.lt presented a large social project  „(Ne)emigranto dienoraštis“ (“The Diary of a Non-Emigrant”).


2008.08.04 – 2008.09.03  For the first time in Lithuania, elections of the most beautiful office woman „Biuro gražuolė 2008” (“Office Beauty 2008”) were held .


2008.10.13 – 2008.12.15 A competition of business decicion-making „Kurkime verslą kartu“ (“Let’s develop business together”) was organized on the website .


Social Responsibility


Verslosavaite.lt sponsors traditional International Modern Dance Festival, other national and  regional events.


The portal also supports social projects Gzi.lt, Neburnok.lt and Augink.lt; the first two promote ethical principles in Lithuanian media and the third one – children rights.


Open for Your Remarks and Proposals


The team of Verslosavaite.lt is waiting for your opinion about the website and possible offers on the topics of articles. We seek to improve our portal and to keep it updated to all technological novelties. As a result, we are looking forward to your remarks and proposals.


Please contact us by email: This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it .


